Monday, April 29, 2013

Hey, hey, Foye!

That would be a fancy way of saying foyer. Cause you all know how fancy I am. As I type here in my Chuck Taylors and favorite baseball tee. Classy!
I have never had a foyer before. All I really have to go in it is a table from our old living room and  some art. Speaking of art, here comes the inspiration, people! Last year when we were at the Park City Arts Festival I came across an artist and fell in love with his work. I looked (which is what I normally do at the festival, just look) and looked and looked and then decided to keep trudging up the hill. As we walked back down the other side of vendors, I decided I had to have that print of the cardinals on the branch.
It is from an artist named Tai Poon (I can picture in my head which two of you are snickering) and he is UH-MAZE-ING. Any artist who works with water color is an absolute genius to me.
I fell in love with this print first because of the colors. And second, because of the actual cardinals. A group squawking at the one. The one looking at them like, "Just keep on squawking your squawk and I will just keep walking my walk." Or flying my fly? Either way, he is who he is and ain't leaving that branch any time soon. A life lesson, cardinal style.
Jack also helped me pick out this runner from Joss and Main (yes, I made the plunge and bough one):
I am on the thrift store hunt for a bench (among other things) to allow for friends and family to have a place to sit and take shoes off when they come in.
We have some plants, but I want to add a large dracaena or rubber plant to help clear the air in the house. I visited this website that gives you a list of air purifying plants.
Alsooo, we are currently on our second light for the foyer. We will see what we think. I'm sure we are over thinking it. It comes this week. But with a two-story foyer and the staircase turning the way it does, it is hard to gage size and style when picking a lighting fixture.
And lastly, I am on the hunt for a display/storage cabinet to go next to our entryway table. I really like this one from IKEA, but we couldn't bring ourselves to pay the money for it this weekend. I will check out KSL or DownEast to see if I can find a better deal.
That's the idea for the foyer. We have been in the house for two weeks now, and things are starting to come together. They say it takes at least a year for a new house to feel like home, and that may be true. For us, we can say that it feels right. We are settling right in. All anxieties we had are left behind us and we are ready to be happy and excited for the choice we made to build this home. 
If I am not typing or running around with the kids, I have a hammer in my hand. Can't wait to show some pics of how it is all coming along! 


Rachel said...

I also love that cardinal painting! It makes me smile.
I hope some day we get to see your house. I think I am jealous of your home decorating abilities. I have plans to paint ONE ROOM this summer, and I'm agonizing over it!

(Last comment, I promise! I'm done stalking for tonight. :) )

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