Wednesday, June 30, 2010

To all my girls...and a few guys.

Friendships. So often we take them for granted. And then they eventually can fade away. This happened not to long after high school for me. My friends went every which way. College, another state, and I got married. And shortly after that I realized how badly good friends are needed. So I swallowed my fears and picked up the phone. I'm pretty sure I wasn't alone in this. I bet many people are too afraid to pick up where you left off because who knows if you will even have anything to say.

But we did. It was a lot of reminiscing and old stories. Being 'sisters' or wrapping our coaches car in mildew linens we found in a random hotel shed in California, we found things to talk about. However many years later it is now we like to bring up old stories of high school, but we have too many other things to talk about!

And as I count the days until I reach thirty, even though everyone says thirties are the new twenties (umf-huh), I am so thankful that I have friends in my life. And not just my solids from my school years, but my new ones. I cherish all of them because each brings something totally different to my life. And let's be honest, where I live there is a lot of the same.

I have great friends who are working moms that I totally respect and that actually make me miss work. I have friends who are mormon, baptist, catholic, free-spirited, and I fall somewhere in all of that. Friends who nursed. Friends who didn't. Organic moms. Friends who drink. Friends who don't. Some that talk a lot. Some keep to themselves. Friends who challenge me. Ones that are great listeners. Some married, not married. Kids, no kids. We can be different religions, believe in different politics, like different food, be dog people or cat people. Doesn't matter. We still love and respect each other for it. And that is why I love them. And that is lost so often around me. People stay in their comfort areas and they may ultimately miss out on some really fantastic relationships because they can't see past their own beliefs and opinions in order to respect someone else's.

So to all the friends out there, stay the way you are because you make me take a second look, give me perspective and foresight, roll my eyes, giggle until I cry, and lay in bed every night thankful that I have you.


cwall said...

Once again, another wonderful piece, authored by the fabulous Em! You are awesome. And I must say, you have me thinking which of those categories I fall into-probably the talks a lot and makes you roll your eyes (ha ha). But more importantly, I'm so incredibly grateful that you are my friend!

Katie said...

Emily, i loved this! A lot! I totally respect your honesty, and feel like I understand your point of view.
Awesome job putting this into words.

Rachel said...

Great entry!
I also have a friendship entry that's rolling around in my head.... I'll get it up there soon. If my youngest ever decides to start taking afternoon naps at the same time as his brother.....

amySplendid said... i the free-spirited friend? I guess i'm more in the "sister who tormented me when i was young catatgory".

Meg said...

Awesome. Love this!

The Shupaloops said...

Cathy you are much more than I could ever type! And Amy, I guess you could say that. But I have in progress blogs about family, husbands, and kiddos. And each of them is taking a lot longer to write. I wonder why...... Also I am excited you girls are keeping up with my blog. Now I don't feel like the only creep in the blog world!

JAMIE said...

You are so cute "sister"! I love your blog. Not really okay that I am up reading it all night though. I can't believe how big Millie is. We need to get together sooner rather than later. Love ya! Jamie

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