Thursday, June 24, 2010

What's Worse

I swear I am not in some sort of crazy negative AAHH THE WORLD IS AGAINST ME funk . But I ask you all, WHAT IS WORSE THAN SPILLING A LIQUID IN YOUR REFRIGERATOR?

Not only a liquid, but ORANGE JUICE. And not only orange juice, but a whole pitcher of it. And it was on the top shelf. You literally have to take out every drawer and shelf. Wet and re-wet the cloth or you're just smearing stickiness everywhere. It is inhumane to make a person clean this pulpy, sticky, I'd reather be drinking this than cleaning this, mess. And I do clean my fridge on a regular basis, like bi-annually, but that doesn't compare to what I had to go through. Think of the tracks your drawers slide on. The little holes for your shelving. I, yi, YI!
Oh, there are close seconds to the spilling of oj in the fridge. Most revolve around my children. Cleaning the microwave, brutal. Scrubbing baby spit up out of the carpet all while wrestling the dog away from it. Most of the time I let him start and I finish. This one happened yesterday. Go to change Mills diaper and drag her across Jack's rug that has roads on it (like a city) only to find out that as I laid her down and drug her over it, the process squeezed poop out of the top and left a stunning doody stripe all across the round-about and up to the top of her head. That was fun to scrub out and wash with the garden hose. Not Millie, the rug.

So yes, that was fun. And if anyone out there is reading this, I would love to know what your worst household clean up has been. Beat mine, I dare you.


Rachel said...

Anything mess involving a cat. We've cleaned up pee, poop, barf, and a regurgitated mouse - Nathan found that last one by himself when he was about a year old. And decided to see what it tasted like.

Megan Rogers said...

I can only say dog throw up- I think you have us beat!!! But I am sure there are some nasty messes in our future.

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