First off, I've been wanting to write this post for awhile, but I needed this rainy day to actually publish it, because quite frankly, I haven't felt this way about my kiddos for a few days. It has been a complete mad house around here between the teething savage crazy face daughter I adore and the arm folding uber emotional bi-polar sweet dimple face three year old. So this day came just in time. There's just something about rain that calms everyone. I tell ya, it was a magnificent day.
So let's back track a bit....... Driving to the farmer's market the other day with Jack we were headed down Washington Boulevard windows down, listening to the long intro of Coldplay's Life in Technicolor when I thought, "This is what I envisioned for my life." It was such a surreal and awesome moment.
I say it all the time, I wish I could slow down these years. I think I would totally be okay with speeding up those sassy pre-teen years and by eighteen we could just let time pass as normal. There is just something so true when people say how innocent and honest children are. The best part about it all, believe it or not, is not their smooshy faces, but how completely funny they are because they absolutely aren't trying.
This morning Jack, Millie, and I had just got out of bed and we were staring out the front window as we do every morning watching the birds and waving good bye to all the suckers who have to go to work while we get to stay home and do our very important things. I was talking crazy talk to Millie begging her for a smile and Jack was playing picaboo with her. We were getting nothing, not even a, you guys are complete morons look. She was not giving it up. So we all go back to silently staring out of the window when the largest 300 pound man, I had some bad mexican last night, cheek slapper comes out of Millie. And she erupts in laughter. I am rolling, Jack is doing his best I think this is funny, but its not that funny mom its just a fart, laugh.
These are the moments I want to stretch into years. Moments when my son thinks it is the coolest thing to drink milk out of miniature fancy goblets and eat with teeny tiny forks and spoons. Watching both kids stare out the window every morning to wave good bye to daddy and I try not to tear up. Pretending our swing set is our own personal amusement park and watching Jack with his best friend Lilly giggling so hard they are barely holding on to the swings. Millie's sly smile look backs to make sure we are watching her do something naughty. I could go on forever, but if I do I'm pretty sure I will walk up those stares and find my son in his cap and gown and my daughter wearing something she absolutely won't be allowed out of the house in.
Love the pics! Love your thoughts! And am laughing very hard about Millie's fart!
you've done good sis. you and your family are an ispiration to me to make better life decisions....your family is absolutely beautiful. i love you guys and am very grateful for you unconditional love....and for the record....sorry for running over you on that snowtube....kinda. it DOES make for good mem's.
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