Saturday, December 17, 2011

Eight Years, My Love

Fourteen years of togetherness and we can still laugh until we cry, especially when playing with Photo Booth.
All joking aside I love this guy. He works hard all day, walks in the door and swoops me up every night with a kiss.
 He worries, but is adventurous.
He comes home tired, but still makes time for this:
And will lug around this:
 Isn't he cute?
I had a feeling years ago that we could have a pretty sweet life together if we really wanted it. It isn't easy all of the time, anyone will tell you that, but I think if you find the right person and can let go of yourself a little bit, you will make it out of the valleys. Lucky for me, we have a marriage that lives high on the mountain tops most of the time while having nerf gun battles and family movie nights. I am one lucky lady.
Love you, babe.

{This is a song many of you probably know, Chris had bought it last year and told me to listen to it. It gets me every time. I think a lot of other dads (and moms) can relate.}


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