Thursday, February 6, 2014

Life Update

I forgot to post this like two weeks ago. I admit I have been horrible at posting pictures lately (thanks for the kick in the butt Rachel) so here are a few to show what's going on around here. 
 Millie is still doing dance every Tuesday. 
 This one loves every single thing that enters her mouth. 
 Even more yummy.
 Oh, we snuck away to Disneyland in December. 
 I just love/hate this one because it shows how big our big girl is getting.
 Uh, hello loves of my life.
 And more yummy. Are you full yet? Didn't think so.
Jack started basketball and is in love.

You are caught up. That quick. 
Oh alright, I guess I could also tell you about the past few months too. Lots of it has been spent inside this house for me. Trying to get the bambino on some sort of schedule so Chris and I can someday, anyday soon or far, go one a date lasting longer than two hours. Seriously, this girl has set a fear in her grandparents. Not cool, Laney. Also the air quality is so horrible I haven't wanted to take the girls out in it. Like everyone else, we spent the last few weeks of the year with the nasal yucks. And once Laney kicked it, we did not want it to come back. And Mills can get little asthma flare ups, so we have been confined.
Chris and I have also been tackling some projects around the house. Millie's room has been painted and is super cute. I just need to take pictures. But first we need to get her bed back in her room. Why is her bed not in her room you ask? Let's circle back to the bambino who likes to yell for help every two hours at night. SOMEBODY! ANYBODY! MILLIE! I KNOW YOU ARE ACROSS THE HALL! HEEEEELP! So yeah, Millie has been in J's room for two months. They love it though, so we are in no hurry to put her back in.
We also built some built-ins in the office. More storage, yay! I will have pictures of that posted soon. It reminded me of how I like the idea of painting and then you quickly get reminded of how bad it stinks to paint all those angles. No more painting furniture for awhile. 
A final quick round up of the family…the kids are in school and their activities, but we are thinking of starting them on an instrument or music class?…we still watch tv, but good tv is hard to find sometimes!…. I am room mom for the whole first grade, yow-za….speaking of school, Jack continues to excel with a 4.0 and is on a fourth grade reading level….Millie is doing well in preschool, but that left hand is really throwing us for a loop when it comes to writing and drawing……Spike is still alive…..Chris and I workout in our room every few days doing crunches and push-ups. The burn does NOT mean its working. #weknowweareindenial…. and Laney just continues to be yummy. Have I said that already?


Rachel said...

How is it that our kids look so much alike? Even the ones I swear look like MY family..... Look like YOUR family!! Can't wait to get the whole group together this fall. It's gonna be crazy!

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