Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 Resolutions

Here it is, my personal plan for 2011. And it actually has me pretty excited. Maybe because most of my resolutions are either something I should already be doing, something fun, or something to make me uplifted. I had to do something realistic or quite honestly I should have never written them down in the first place. So maybe I will pop in some tidbits here and there along the year so you all know I am keeping up! Plus I have a head start, which isn't really fair, but I need to give myself credit. Number seven done, but I like to keep that one in there. Number three, bought some today. Now number one is gonna be tough, which is why it is numero uno in the first place. So here's to another one, may it be filled with fabulous experiences I never saw coming!

1. Work out at least two times a week. I'm being realistic here people.
2. No more Target.
3. Wear more jewelry.
4. Eat less sugar. This one is iffy.
5. Keep sewing. Maybe take a class.
6. Start painting again. Maybe take a class.
7. Always be reading a book.
8. Correspond more. Grandparents especially.
9. Expand the garden. With our first year a semi success, why not triple it?
10. Complete the honey do list.


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