and Jack got the pail of water like he was instructed and Mill came tumbling down while trying to scale the well. Then sweet Jack came running down to mend her head with vinegar and brown paper. (Because he is that smart people.)
I carry these on my key chain and got to looking at them the other day and started laughing. This is because these two little charms sum up my kids quite well.
Scrawny little things with semi large heads. And for reals, you can catch Chris, Jack, and Millie walking around our house at the same time ALL with their hands tucked behind their backs. Like it is so natural to do that when you're walking. Chris has done it since I met him and I always thought it was so funny, old manish. Lucky for me our kids inherited it, and it makes me smile every time I see one of them doing it.
The best part about these are the slight differences between the two. They look alike (which my kids do more and more every day) but Jack's has this sweet smile full of good intentions, while Millie's is a tad larger and curved up one side like she is about to pull my cell phone out from behind her back, dip it into the toilet, then lick the phone like the Tootsie Pop Owl. And she enjoys every bit of it. The absolute icing on the top is that Millie's is the one with the broken leg. We say all the time that she will have had a cast by the time she is three. Millie could climb into the bathroom sink before she could walk. Add to that her mother's clumsiness. Yeah it's possible to be coordinated and graceless. I used to score 20 points a game and be on the floor the other half. Whatever gets the job done.
And as cheesy as it sounds these two get the job done for me. I laugh everyday. I yell everyday. I learn everyday from these kids. And every night I fall into bed thankful that I can tell my love the stories from the day.
This made me smile. :)
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