Wednesday, January 9, 2013

It's 2013, can I get a hallelujah?

Not that I am a firm believer that a new year brings new beginnings, but this year it really does! I have made it pretty clear that 2012 wasn't our best year in history. It wasn't horrible, we are all healthy and happy, but it was full of emotion and difficult decision making (which we all know isn't my strong point) and unnecessary stresses. 
But not 2013. 2013 is going to be full of fun and a happy mom and a happy wife and a new home and a baby. Yes, a BABY! A baby in July. We are so happy and the kids couldn't be more excited. 
Our Christmas this year was full of so much excitement and so many visitors. Jack lost his second tooth a few days before Christmas so he saved it for Christmas Eve to see if the tooth fairy would come. The stork stopped a letter by too. And let's not forget the Big Guy. 
As we read the letter to the kids from the stork it took a minute to set in. Jack figured it out by the last sentence, and Millie was a good two hours later when the buzz of the morning had worn off. She ran to Grandma to say, "Did you know there is a baby in mommy's belly?"
It was definitely a fun way to tell the kids. They have been asking for months when the stork would come, so to have him stop a true Christmas gift by was really special. At least for me. 
All happiness and joy aside, let's talk about this little babesy (Jack calls it that since we won't know if it is a girl or boy). Let's just say that THIS IS A NEW EXPERIENCE FOR ME. I never had many pregnancy yuckies with my first two, so I kinda knew this was coming, but HOLY FRIJOLES! this has not been the experience I have loved in the past. I only had night sickness with Jack. Now I have it with this one, plus another six or so hours of it throughout the day. I was exhausted and had headaches with Millie. I have been tired and my head is throbbing every other day. (Part of me wonders if the headaches are from the dry season though?) And on top of it all, I am one grumpy lady. I am moody, short-tempered and want to cry about 20% of the time. Even when I am perfectly happy and fed! I literally feel like my body has been taken over by a stranger and I am hollering,"Where are you Emily, come out please, oh please, please, please!!" Thankfully I am out of the first trimester hump (I am 13 weeks) and I do feel my energy coming back. It's just have you ever been sick for so long that you forget what it feels like to not feel that way? I did get on the treadmill this morning and blogger and Facebook, so we are getting there, right? 


Rachel said...

I didn't think it had been that long since I checked your blog.... Congratulations!!!
My third pregnancy put me through the ringer. I had upset stomach all the time, which would only be relieved by eating. No wonder I gained 50 lbs! (I blamed this new symptom on the fact she was a girl, and I had none of that with the two boys. Different hormones?) And I was SO. SO. TIRED. All the stinking time. I just gave in, and when the boys took naps, I took a nap, every day.
Looking forward with you to meeting your beautiful new one! Congratulations again!

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