Monday, April 14, 2014

Millie's Room Update

Okay, it's been awhile since I used our camera, and for some reason the settings seem off and everything came out super bright. But I know I will never get back in there (or it will never be this clean again) so this is what we have.
I used Frog Tape scallop shape tape. And although it may seem super intimidating, it worked like a charm. My lines are pretty dang straight, minus one that dips a little. I call it a win. And Millie no longer has a "boring white room." Awe the likings of a four year old. I guess I wouldn't want a plain old room either when I was four.

This area still needs some work. Dreams of one day adding some built ins with a bench are the obvious choice, but we will see. For now we are starting our washi wall! When I was a tweener one wall in my room was covered in photos, magazine clippings, drawings, anything that I loved. But nowadays they have glorious washi tape. So what used to be a tacky, ugly wall with crap on it, can now be a tacky, ugly wall with crap hung on it with cute, decorative tape! We have a few more things to hang, it looks pretty sad below. This may be an idea that ends up in the toilet, but we'll see what it manifests into.
For now, Mill's room is done. And done makes me happy this Monday morning. Hope your having a good one too!


Rachel said...

As always, it looks completely awesome. :) LOVE the scallop taping!

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